Voucher List of Bills
The Board of Commissioners approved the voucher list of bills totaling $147,284.26.
Glen Ellyn Park District Transparency Initiative
The Board of Commissioners directed staff to look into developing a blog in-house, instead of contracting with a vendor; they also requested staff to research the cost of staff time to work on the blog and the recording of meetings, along with the cost of upgrading to a faster internet connection.
The Board of Commissioners would also like to see a permanent audio/visual solution for presentations at the Board Meetings, so that they may be available online at the time of the Meetings.
Field Usage Study
The Board of Commissioners discussed revisiting the Intergovernmental Agreements with School District #87, to make them more equitable.
The Board and staff discussed including money in the 2012 budget for short term field repairs and yearly maintenance.
The Board of Commissioners would like to review and prioritize long term goals for possible inclusion in future budget cycles.