Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 16, 2013 Regular Meeting HIghlights

Platform Tennis Agreement
The Board of Commissioners approved the agreement for usage of platform tennis courts and the paddle facility between the Glen Ellyn Park District and the Glen Ellyn Platform Tennis Club.

Norris Design Contract Approval
The Board of Commissioners approved the contract with Norris Design for the preparation of a master plan for Ackerman Park.

 Commissioner Recognition
The Board of Commissioners and the Glen Ellyn Park District recognized Commissioner Ron Aubrey for his years of service, dedication and commitment to the Glen Ellyn Park District. At the conclusion of his term he will have served for a total of nine years.

Aquatics Initiative Update
Staff provided the Board of Commissioners with an update of the aquatics initiative, which included an RFP that will be funded by the Glen Ellyn Aquatics Initiative. The RFP will determine the feasibility of having an indoor pool installed. Other recommendations that were included with the RFP was to include an analysis of Sunset Pool and its long term capital needs and how it contributes to the overall aquatic needs of the community.